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Provide your singers with rehearsal CDs for your entire choral concert repertoire.

Besides providing a growing library of large octavos, part recordings also offers custom recordings for your organization. Have us create rehearsal CDs for your entire concert repertoire. If your choir is part of an ACDA, MEA or IFCA event please refer to our Honor Choir page for special discounts. Grouped octavos provide the following features:

  • Spoken introduction of each track.
  • Synthesized voice parts. We use modified woodwind instrument timbres to capture the attack and sustain of the human voice. Please refer to our Demo page for an example of our product.
  • Part emphasized tracks for each voice part for each octavo. The emphasized parts are stereo panned to the right while the rest of the ensemble and accompaniment is panned to the left. The singer can adjust their predominance by simply turning the balance from left to right.
  • (optional) Any additional performance examples or pronunciation recordings provided by your director. The pronunciation recording is inserted before the corresponding part emphasized track which is then followed by the performance example.
  • Slow and fast tracks of any tricky or fast tempo octavos.
  • CDs labeled by part and shipped in paper envelopes to reduce shipping costs.

The cost for for grouped octavos is determined using the following calculations: Each CD costs $9 which includes up to five small octavos and any supplemental recordings provided by your director. Additional octavos may be added for $1/Octavo.

For example if you required 7 octavos and had 60 singers your cost would be:

CD Cost = $9 (for the first 5 octavos) + $2 (the additional 2 octavos)= $11/CD

Total Cost = $11 (CD Cost) * 60 (singers) = $660.00

Grouped octavo orders require a minimum order of 50 CDs (using any combination of voice parts).
Shipping costs not included in this calculation.

We will send you a check list of information and materials we require in order to complete your project. Once we have all the necessary materials you can expect your CDs within two weeks.

If you are interested in ordering a grouped octavo package or have any further questions please contact us at: or refer to our Contact page for additional contact information.